I don’t need to care for my short-coated breeds coat…. Do I?
Whilst short coated breeds are definitely a lot less up-keep and maintenance than their longer haired canine friends. Their coats still need some TLC to keep them in tip-top condition and to prevent any issues from occurring.
A common statement in the salon is that “I got a short hair dog, so it’s easy…but he sheds all over my house!!” or a common question is “how do I stop my dog from shedding all over?”
What do I mean by short hair breeds? I’m talking about popular breeds with coats such as Beagles, Labradors, Dalmatians, Rottweiler and Boxers. EG, breeds that don’t have long hair such as Huskies, Shih-Tzus and Poodles.
Why does your dog shed?
Dogs have 4 different phases that their hair goes through:
• Anagen phase: when new hairs are actively growing (to a genetically determined length) • Catagen phase: when new hairs reach their maximum length and stop growing • Telogen phase: when the hair is dormant and fully attached • Exogen phase: when the hair reaches the end of its lifecycle and is shed from the follicle (usually all over your carpets and sofa!)
The process begins all over again and again. There will be various hairs at various stages of growth all over your dog at any one time.
The growth cycles will vary from breed to breed. For example, Poodle coats will spend longer in the active growth phase (Anagen).
Why regular grooming is important for short haired canines
Regular grooming helps to remove loose hair in a single session, instead of sprinkling the hair all over your house. More hair removed in one sitting = less hair all over your house.
It also removes loose hair from the skin, allowing the skin to breathe easier and promotes better temperature regulation.
Grooming sessions give owners a chance to provide a thorough health check all over, from nails to infections, parasites and new lumps or bumps. All of which are easier to treat and deal with when caught early.
Brushing helps the natural oils distribute over the skin and coat.
Regular grooming makes trips to the vets much less stressful for your dog, as your dog is used to be handled.
Brushing your dog’s coat at home
Grab yourself a stiff bristle brush and a rubber brush. I love the Kong Zoom Groom for removing loose dead coat. Experiment with different types of brushes, there are lots of types on the market such as grooming gloves.
What will work for one breed and owner won't necessarily work for all, it’s a matter of personal preference.
Regularly brush through to remove the loose hair, start at one part of the body and systematically work your way over the body.
If your dog is new to brushing, start slowly with lots of positive reinforcement. Tasty treats can help make it a positive experience.
Need help with taming the hair tumble weeds and your dog’s coat?
Regular professional grooming is the key to maintaining a healthy coat and skin. It helps to tame the hair clinging to all surfaces in your house and provides a thorough check over of your dog’s skin and coat.
Ask your groomer if they do any additional de-shedding services to really get that loose hair out. At The Soggy Dog Spa, our Dead Sea mineral mud bath treatment is very popular with clients, who report great results on their short hair dogs!
Rubber sweeping brushes and lint removers are great at de-shedding that hairy coating which may have collected on your sofas and carpets.
